Lyn Pickering - Writer, Righter. Historical fiction that opens your eyes to the truth.
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Ayatollah Khamenei prepares the way for Shiite Twelfth Imam
OPUS DEI agrees with the prediction of the Iranian Ayatollah Khamenei that the ShiiteTwelfth Imam will soon be revealed.
“In light of the realization of the divine promise by almighty God, the Zionists and the Great Satan (America) will soon be defeated,” Ayatollah Khamenei, the Iranian supreme leader stated.
The Ayatollah was speaking to hundreds of youths from more than 70 countries who were attending a world conference in Tehran on the Arab Spring. He claimed the current century as the century of Islam and declared that human history is on the verge of a great event. “Allah’s promises will be delivered and Islam will be victorious.”
Iranian Ayatollah-ali-Khamenei
It is said by many Iranian clerics that Khamenei is the deputy of the last Islamic messiah on earth and that obedience to him is necessary for the final glorification of Islam.
Khamenei believes that the coming of the last Islamic Messiah, the Shiite Twelfth Imam Mahdi, is near and that specific actions need to be taken to protect the Islamic regime.
According to Shiite belief, the destruction of Israel will trigger the coming of the Imam Mahdi who will make his appearance at the time of Armageddon. Many in the Guards and Basij, trained under a task force called “Soldiers of Imam Mahdi”, have been told that the Shiite Twelfth Imam is on earth, and will soon announce his presence.
The novel, Opus Dei, also predicts the imminent revelation of the Twelfth Imam. Read a quote…
Kaaba – Mecca
Ayatollah’s men forged a way through the Gate of Peace into the mosque to where the Kaaba towered majestically above the crowds of worshippers. People fell back and stopped, as if aware that something momentous was about to happen.
Hussein ibn Muhammed was lifted up on the shoulders of his men to the plinth of the Kaaba and two of his supporters followed him, drawing back the embroidered black drape behind him to expose the intricately inscribed gold and silver doors of the shrine.
“Allahu Akhbar! God is great! I stand before you as the One He has sent, the Expected One, Hussein ibn Muhammed.” The Imam’s resonant voice caused a stillness to fall on the crowd and unaccountably at the sound of it, some dropped to their knees and the tears flowed.
Door to the Kaaba
“Weep, my people. Weep!” he shouted. “Weep for the spirit of evil that is abroad in the world! Weep for the blindness of our people who have permitted America and Europe to weaken us, to break our spirit and destroy our religion! Weep for the false prophet of Europe who is determined to wipe our Prophet Muhammed from the memory of mankind!” He raised a fist towards the heavens. “Allah, did you create a nation of babes and women? Or did you create men? Men with the spirit of the desert hot in their breasts. Men who would spill their blood for their belief in you. Men who would joyously die that the word of Islam may be spread across the face of the earth.” Hussein ibn Muhammed surveyed those before him.
“We will not be intimidated by the war-machines of infidels,” he shouted. “We will not be wooed by the lies of politicians. We are here today because we serve Allah, the One God, and revere Muhammed his prophet and Ali, his cousin. As he first cleansed the Kaaba by Muhammed the Prophet, so he will use a new man to cleanse the hearts of his followers. Allahu Akhbar!”
There was a power that emanated from him that caused the strong to tremble and the weak to rise up in strength. A tremor of knowledge ran through the masses at the foot of the shrine as they looked up in awe at the figure of ibn Muhammed. He was standing as though in silent communication with the Prophet himself. His eyes were shut and his face expressed ecstasy. Then, before the wondering gaze of the crowd, the great doors of the Kaaba began to open behind him.
There was a gasp from the multitude. “It’s a sign!” they shouted. “God has granted us a sign! Our Rightly Guided One, the Al Mahdi is with us! ALLAHU AKHBAR!”
OPUS DEI – the book with the word for the moment! Read it now. Available in E book pdf formaton this site.
About Lyn Pickering
Writer. Righter. I choose to be scene but not herd.
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