In Genesis, Nimrod was called Gheber, or the Mighty-One (Genesis 10:8). The deification of the son, Nimrod, resulted in deification of both his father and his wife making Cush, Nimrod/Ninus and Semiramis, the first of the gods. All mythology hearkens back in some way to this human trinity.
Among her multiple titles, the many-breasted Diana of Ephesus was known as the Mother of the gods, and in our previous post it was shown that she represented Semiramis, wife of Nimrod. As the tower-crowned goddess, Diana was just another expression of the goddesses Rhea and Cybele. Rhea was wife to Saturn or Kronos, (Cronus) the horned deity.
Cronus, king of the Cyclops, was worshiped in the East under the names Bel and Bal, and the Cyclops were known as the inventors of tower-building. If Rhea therefore was the tower-bearing deity, married to Cronus, it follows that Cronus was Nimrod, first king of Babylon.
The might of Cronus is demonstrated by the wearing of horns, which are a symbolism of power. In Nineveh, many reliefs depict a horned bull-man, representing Assyria’s great divinities and the word for bull is also used for a prince or ruler. The horned bull was therefore the Mighty Prince. The Greek god Bacchus, for example, was often depicted as horned.
In mythology, Cronus or Saturn, Father of the gods, castrated his father and then, believing that his sons might similarly overpower him, devoured his children as soon as they were born. Rhea gave birth on the island of Crete, concealed Zeus and presented her husband (see above) with a swaddled stone in place of her latest son.
The “Phenicians” and the Rhodians, according to Eusebius, sacrificed their children to Cronus or Saturn. And when the Carthaginians were under siege by the Sicilians, they selected two hundred of their children as a sacrifice to this god.
As Nimrod is represented by these deities, as well as by Moloch and Baal, he doubtless initiated the practice of child sacrifice.
Satan is often shown with horns and hoofs, aligning him with Cronus/Nimrod. Again, the horns are symbolic of the power of the Prince of this World. It is interesting that while most acknowledge Satan worship as a fact in today’s world, they would emphatically deny the existence of a supernatural being.
Daniel prophesied about two horns, each representing a man. The first man has already arisen and the second will rise in his likeness. Read my E books, Nimrod Twice Born and Opus Dei to see who this man is and his role in the future domination of our planet.
In my next post I will take an in depth look at Daniel’s prophecy. One part has already been fulfilled in detail, the next is almost set to take place.
I am indebted to the late Alexander Hislop’s book The Two Babylons in my research.
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