Since the time of Nimrod, there has existed a Luciferian conspiracy to restore a world leader over a new Babylonian order, one which emancipated men and women from God’s Laws. Following the crucifixion of Christ, this confederation was compelled to adopt an even more cunning direction. If mankind was to be granted the ultimate freedom – to indulge their lusts without conscience – a new man must arise in Nimrod’s image.
Certain relics have fascinated the nations over hundreds of years: a sword, a Holy Lance, a shroud, and the Templar head. From where did they spring and how do they feature in the launching of this leader over his New World Order?
One man, Simon Magus, was the vessel chosen to conceive and launch this plot. He wove a mystery so intricate and so ingenious that, for centuries it confounded the wisdom and interpretation of men.
Almost 2000 years later, Nazi leader, Heinrich Himmler, willingly took up the batton and carried forward into the present day.
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